Saturday, April 12, 2014

Super car brigade a noisy nuisance to society

We've heard them a few times now since we've been here, it usually on a Saturday night, at least a 200 souped up supercars drive through the streets of London revving, screaming, playing music and hooting loudly.

It is rather obnoxious and inconsiderate to the public. We have to listen to them for a long time, because the trafffic is so slow. When there is a tiny gap they use the opportunity to rev and speed for a metre or so. They rev their engines so hard that it makes loud almost gunshot sounding noises. Honestly it sounds like a fireworks display going on out there. Sometimes you even see a flame or spark by their exhaust. Lambos, Porsches, Minis, and other souped up cars ride one after another. It's been going for over an hour now and it's 10:16pm plus I don't think it will stop. Many of the cars have fancy wheels and fins on the back.

Why do they do this? Why do they have to do this in the middle of London at night? Do they have to make such a noise?

I don't understand why anyone would do this. I know that they want people to look but there are better ways to get attention. And it is just so inconsiderate for society. Go out of London, along the long quiet roads, and make as much noise as you want, just think about the children, pets at home and students trying to study! I am surprised that the police allow this disruption. They are also polluting the environment.

We noticed the name Cannonball GT on some of the cars, clearly a club that do this sort of thing often.

Really such a nuisance to society!

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