Tuesday, April 30, 2013

9 days till Athol's last exam/paper, 1 Month to Graduation, 1.5 months before we head back to SA

9 days till Athol's last paper/exam

As the end of the Semester nears, students are frantically busy with final exams and papers. Lectures end this week. My last Corporate Finance lecture is today, luckily no exam for me :) Athol is busy writing one paper for his Progressive Alternatives course which needs to be at least 15 pages. It is due today at 4pm. Then he has a Game Theory exam and a final paper for his African Politics course on 9 May.

Even though everyone is busy with exams, there are still so many social get-togethers - shouldn't they be working on their final papers or studying for their final exams?! It really is impossible to go to all of these.

On Monday 22 April, there was a Pinoy Fiesta so we decided to go. The HKS Phillipino students held a colourful event with traditional food and dances. Apparently there are 7707 islands in the Phillipines, they have a population of about 100m and they send the most sms's in the world!  Here are some photos of the dancing which they call 'tinicking' - where they use two sticks and beat them on the floor and the people jump in and out of them :) it must be painful if your foot gets caught inbetween the sticks!


Me trying out the delicious Phillipino food :)

Photos courtesy of Winnie Ng

1 Month to Graduation

Graduation (Americans refer to it as 'Commencement') will be in one month on 30 May. The Mason Graduation will be on 27 May, this is the fellowship for students at HKS who are from developing countries. There will be many events happening around that time and I am sure that Cambridge will be packed with tourists as a lot of family and friends will be attending the graduation.

1.5 months before we head back to SA

We'll be back home in 1.5 months. So we have begun selling our non-essential furniture. I've already sold a couple of things - soon our apartment will be empty :) I might have to be creative and make some temporary furniture if things get sold quickly :) It is much easier to sell furniture here (except for the odd scamsters on Craigslist).

The weather has warmed up nicely and Spring is in full force. The current average temperatures are min 5F and max 20F. The trees and plants are in full bloom, quite beautiful to see. The flowers are lovely, not sure exactly what kind of flowers they all are but they are different to the flowers we see back in SA.


After Athol's last exam and paper we'll have 6 weeks to hang around and enjoy Boston before we head back to SA. We will be going to Washington DC end of May, which should be fun. What's a trip to America without a trip to the capital!

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