Saturday, June 29, 2013

Back in SA

Well, we've been back in South Africa for two weeks now.

It's pretty cold here, it's funny, I feel warmer in Boston even when it's -18C because here in SA the houses are not geared up for the cold!

Was nice to drive my car once again - I haven't driven a car in a year! I do love the public transport and walking in Boston but it is nice to just get into your car and drive somewhere  :)

We spent 5 nights in Cape Town visiting family. It's been nice to see family after a year. We do Skype often which makes it easier. I've noticed that Cape Town is becoming a lot like Johannesburg - more and more houses have electric fences, spikes, barbed wire or armed response. There also seems to be a lot of security complexes. Driving around I also noticed a lot more townships. A couple of street names have also been changed to African names.

Over the last few days, we've been reading about the sad news of Nelson Mandela in hospital. He is 94 years old now. He has done so much for South Africa. He spent 27 years in prison on Robben Island so that we could be free from apartheid. His wonderful spirit and ability to forgive is incredible... a true global legend who will never be forgotten!

Johannesburg hasn't changed too much in a year. There are some new big buildings which have been built in Sandton. There are new South African notes being circulated - they look strange, almost too colourful. Food and petrol prices have gone up a lot (although the food prices are still far cheaper than in Boston!). The E-Toll is still not in operation, even a year later. There is a new circle along Bryanston Drive which used to be a fork - was a bit confused driving around. But all in all, most things are still the same.

There seems to be limited food choices for Vegans here compared to Boston.

The things in SA that I have missed - Grapetiser/Appletiser, Mrs Balls Chutney and Ocean Basket :)

Being so good to be using the metric system again, that was something in the USA that I just couldn't get used to :)

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