Monday, April 1, 2013

2.5 months left... Being creative

So it's the 1st of April, how time is just flying by!

I hope that nobody was fooled by an April's fool joke today :)

1 April 2004 was the day that I joined Taurus Associates - this was my very first job. The MD of Taurus Associates was Athol - my Boss back then :) that was 9 nine years ago - gosh! who would have thought that I'd be happily married to my first Boss :) we have and still do work so well together - we really make a great team. Between the two fo us, I believe that we can do anything :)

I have been working on illustrations for a children's book. The book is based on one of Athol's poems. So it will be Written by Athol and Illustrated by me :) our first book together. It is hard work and requires a lot of patience but hopefully the final product with look great. Like I said to Athol in my speech at our wedding reception 'I really hope that we will do great things together' and I think we are :)

I'd like to believe that I have somewhat of an artistic flair - having done very well in Art in Standard 6 and 7 however I didn't carry on with Art since I chose Science, Biology and Accounting instead! I've always enjoyed been creative with my hands, I did pottery for a while back in Joburg, I even handmade little bowls as 'thank you' gifts at our wedding for the guests (I made over 40!). In Primary School, I won a couple of prizes in art competitions, the one year I even remember winning 'The Best Senior Prize' for clown that I had drawn. So I have been a bit artistic back in my day.

My time in Boston has allowed me to be creative once again :)

2.5 months to go.....

The weather is getting warmer, we finally reached a state where where there is no more subzero temperatures during the day - it is still colder than a Joburg Winter though. There is one last cold front this week then we should be in the clear and can enjoy Spring! Pity we will be coming back to Joburg in the middle of Winter. I think that it is still much colder inside the houses in Joburg than here because of the good internal heating - here I didn't even need to use the Winter bedding or buy a heater. Nonetheless, I think that the Boston Winter has toughened us :)


  1. Hello Taryn,

    I'm really looking forward to this children's book! We will definitely queue for an autographed copy :-)

    1. Thanks Michelle :) hope your two little ladies are doing well!
