Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Beauty is everywhere

My new hobby is photography so I have been experimenting with my new DSLR camera. I've also joined the world of Instagram. It's a whole new world to me. I'm familiar with facebook and twitter but never tried instagram.

Facebook is more generic where you can post photos, share how you feel, share what you 'like', say where you are in the world, where you are eating, see whose birthday it is, etc. It's great to connect with people living afar. I have got in touch with friends from primary school, even my Grade 1 teacher! It's also a great way to spy secretly on what others are doing :) by viewing their photos and seeing their daily status updates. You can however control your privacy but not making everything you post public.

Twitter is the world of tweeting, retweeting and hashtags ##. It's more for sharing good articles that you come across. It's good for on-the-go updating of your status. You get to see hundreds of news but luckily all summarised in a small number of characters hence the use of hashtags.

Instagram is all about sharing and admiring beautiful pictures. There are so many kinds of photos out there and you can see the different styles captured by different photographers. I have a new found respect for photographers as some photos are really amazing and so creative. Photographers are artists of light and it's all about composition, lighting, symmetry, colour, shadows, etc. It's a whole new world and being a newbie I am still figuring it all out. I must say that I am enjoying seeing the photos and am inspired. Think I have officially crossed over to the Instagram side and become a Instagrammer :) amazing to see that some photographers have so many followers that they are actually world influencers. I hope to capture beauty on my adventures.

Here is one of my favourite photos to date:

Find the silver lining. Even when it's four degrees Celsius outside, find the hidden beauty! Beauty is everywhere.

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